2021: Another Year of Change

Happy December everybody! With the year coming to a close, I always like to reflect back on what I’ve accomplished within the last 365 days. To start off, I’m a very goal-orientated person. So, when things aren’t ‘checked off’ my list by the end of the year, my ego isn’t happy. BUT, with being in the midst of a pandemic STILL, I’ve given myself a little grace when it comes to pushing a couple things into the years to come. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who feels bummed out not being able to accomplish, enjoy, or fully finish their ‘wishlist’ for 2021.



If you would have told me a year ago when I was laid off that I’d be working 2 jobs this year, I would have absolutely laughed in your face! But, here we are! I am a Marketing Coordinator by day and a Digital Specialist by night! It’s been a TON of work and late nights, but the paychecks rock and being able to add this additional experience to my resume has been great!


This year I was able to travel to some old and new places! Kicked off the year with a trip up north to Mercer, WI with a huge group of friends. We skied at Black Jack Mountain- Big Snow Resort, ice fished, and rung in the New Year together with tons of games and quality time.

Back to Smashville or Nashville, TN as you may know it as. I was down there for a girls weekend that turned into shooting my absolute best friend Maggie’s engagement. It was such a happy moment that I was lucky enough to witness and celebrate with her!

Next was Destin, FL with my brother and his friends over their spring break! Living in Wisconsin, escaping the cold even for a week is a MUST. Definitely check out Alys Beach while you’re there too (about an hour drive) it was beautiful!

In the spring, my boyfriend Mike and I took a trip to Colorado to celebrate his 25th birthday! While we were there we hit Denver, Colorado Springs, and hiked Garden of the Gods. I even got to see/stay with a couple friends who moved there post-college.

Door County, WI holds a special place in my heart! I’ve visited every summer since I was little and it’s a very special tradition in my family that’s filled with winery tours, small town shopping, and delicious pizza at the Wild Tomato.

If you’re looking for a summer bucket list item, the Apostle Islands, WI are it! It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! We did a kayak tour to an island and the water was just about the clearest I’ve ever seen. Definitely gives you one heck of an arm workout too! The pictures don’t even do it justice. One recommendation: Save some time to hike because there are a ton of trails in the nearby area!

Washington was the highlight of my 2021 travels! Mike and I set off for an adventure of a lifetime. We hit Seattle, Olympic National Park & Mount Rainier National Park while we were there. For more information, here’s the link to my blog on my trip!


After many years of disappointment for all Wisconsin sports, us fans finally earned a W with the Bucks winning the NBA Championship! It was even more epic living downtown Milwaukee while they won because we could see the fireworks and hear the roaring of the crowd from my window. A few days after the big win, Mike and I were even lucky to catch the parade!

GAME 1 of the NLDS

As for my Brewers, they did well, but not quite enough. It’s always great getting a tailgate together to attend a game. We even go to to attend Game 1 of the NLDS vs. Atlanta Braves. Definitely another highlight of my year! If you know me, I’m a BIG fan of the Brew Crew.


Now it’s time to get deep for a minute. Something I struggle with is change and have for as long as I remember. When I was 18 and graduating high school, I wrote an entire essay about how I was scared of stepping into the unknown of what’s ahead (college, life, etc.). It felt like my path after being lit for 18 years all of a sudden went completely dark. I didn’t have a choice other than to plunge into the darkness and figure out a new path.

This year has probably been the biggest year of change and struggle thus far. As a writer, I think it’s my duty to be completely open and honest to my readers. With that, therapy has been the most life changing experience that helped me navigate this chaos we call change. It’s helped me provide more clarity on situations, hold me accountable when I make mistakes, push me to figure out who I am and what I offer to people/world, communicate more effectively, and so much more.

If you’re debating therapy at all, go! Trust me, I was terrified to start, but the root of it all is that it’s guiding you towards becoming a better person. Just one piece of advice: It’s a marathon, not a sprint with getting answers to your questions. It takes hard work and willingness to try.

All in all, I didn’t accomplish everything on my list this year, but you know what, who cares! This year taught me more than I ever thought possible and I should be proud of that, not dwelling on my ‘not completely finished’ wishlist. With one more month left of the year, take time to reflect on what you’ve done, been through, accomplished, shared with people, etc. Make sure to check-in on the important people in your life because you never know, their most life changing memory of this year could have been because of YOU!


My last S/O of this year is to this guy right here! Without him listening to my rants/frustrations, pushing me at the gym, watching me work late night instead watching a show together, traveling with me, and just being there through it all, I’m not sure I would have made it so sanely. Today we move into year 3! I’m so excited for all our plans together!


Social that Struck Me


The Pacific Northwest: Seattle, Mount Rainier + Olympic National Park