Why a Writer?

I didn’t see it until freshman year of college. One semester into being a nursing major and I knew something was off. At the time, the idea of becoming a nurse was the only option I thought was for me, so I felt stuck. The kind of stuck where you have a flat tire on the side of the road and you’re now immobile.

I’ve been a writer my whole life. Flashback to my childhood, when I used to have a fight with my parents. I felt awful disappointing them so I would go to my room and make an apology card. Oftentimes, I would quickly sneak it into the kitchen when they left the room only to have a knock on my door soon after with the card in hand and a conversation.

In high school, I chose to take the writing courses offered because English and reading were not my thing. *Well, they still aren’t!


For one assignment, I had to write a college application essay. At the time I still had a year until I could apply, but that also meant I had time to practice writing something that could change my life. However, it wasn’t that specific essay that did.

My “final” assignment for the course was to write an essay on a hardship that changed us. When finished, my teacher then told us she was going to enter our work to an online student magazine (with consent of course) for a chance to win their writing contest. Little did I know that my essay, “Don’t Forget to Smile”, would be selected as the winner.

I look back wondering why I didn’t see that writing was my passion sooner? Although today, it doesn’t matter. I couldn’t be happier that I switched my major and graduated from the University of Minnesota’s Hubbard School of Journalism & Mass Communications. It’s helped open doors to other passions such as: social media, marketing, and blogging.

Over the course of my life people have always come to me. Whether it’s for advice, a shoulder to lean on, someone to listen, or just to simply sit with. But recently, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s because of my writing that these other qualities exist.

What is your realization? Why are we so blind by the fog until it one day clears? Leave your thoughts, story, or ideas in the comments below. I would love to listen.


Tour de Coffee in the Twin Cities


Summer Bucket List