Generational Differences

Oftentimes when I write, it’s because I have a recommendation to share, advice to give, or a story to tell. Rarely, do I write when I’m feeling overwhelmed, stressed, emotional, or in a weird headspace. So here you go, the real, raw me.

I’m going to set the scene real quick…

I was at dinner a couple nights ago with about 10-12 other people. There, I was the only Millennial/Gen Z that was surrounded by all Gen X/Baby Boomers. Someone asked me, '“Jordan do you also work on the weekends?”

And I replied with a chuckle, “No. If I had to work on the weekends too, I wouldn’t be working for that company.”

Another person shouted across the table, “Wow, what a typical Millennial!” And the entire table proceeded to laugh, well, besides me.

I’ve never been stopped in my tracks speechless before this moment. It made me a little frustrated, confused, and slightly offended. Every generation is different, yet still we are still stuck in a society where people cannot see that. Everyday this world is changing, yet we can’t seem to accept it even in the slightest of ways.


Each generation teaches us something. Here’s some things that my generation can teach/help you↓


From personal experience, I’ve had grandparents, parents, and teachers/professors ask questions to me about electronics. We’re the age where most of us don’t remember when iPhones, Xbox, Netflix didn’t exist. If it wasn’t for us knowing how to set these platforms up, or answer questions about these industry leading advancements, you might be without a TV to watch the game, a phone to call your loved ones, or a computer to execute a big deadline at work.


We value work/life balance so much that it tends to be one of the top questions we ask in interview. Millennials/Gen Z’s realize there’s more to life than just work. I am in no means saying that work isn’t important or degrading those who live for it, I am merely stating the fact that we don’t oftentimes have the time in our day to do the simplest of things -workout, grocery shop, or continue our passions/hobbies because we’re married to our jobs. Jobs who oftentimes underpay, understaff, or don’t see your worth/potential. Millennials/Gen Z’s work incredibly hard and want to be successful, we just also want to travel the world and make the most of this life too.


Tying it back to the dinner convo:

That doesn’t mean I can’t work weekends, I just haven’t had to do so quite yet in my career. My generation would rather leave work, when our tasks are done and not have to sit there for 8-10 hrs/day because it’s required. There’s been SO much change within just this year alone with remote capabilities that one day, I cannot wait for when WE as a generation change the workplace environment for the better.


Our generation lives to take risks, have experiences, and tell a story. Whether it’s skydiving in the mountains, eating at a rooftop restaurant, being front row at a concert, roadtrip to national parks, or studying abroad, it’s these experiences we cannot wait to accomplish, yet share with the world. We capture countless images, video content, and enjoy music during these experiences so that it essentially takes us back each time we listen. We might not drive the fanciest car because we’d rather rent a van + drive across the United States instead, just to say we did.


Whether you’re part of The Silent Generation or Generation Z, we can all learn from everyone. The Silent Generation lived The Cold War, Korean War, and first hand witnessed an economic downfall with The Great Recession. While Gen Z’s will be known as the 2020 worldwide pandemic. We learn, teach, and grow by talking and appreciating each generation.

For example, I remember as a little girl, my grandma would share stories about growing up on the farm, how much Milwaukee has evolved, and how very few people attended college. As Gen Z’s we read about the Gatsby era in books, yet we don’t realize that our great grandparents lived in that era. It’s amazing to me how we can all live on this same Earth, at different times, and experience totally different lives. We all know it’s true, yet we aren’t accepting of that.

Going into 2021, let’s make a pact. To be more open-minded and take a minute to learn from different people - races, religions, ethnicities, genders, traditions, families, hobbies, interests, passions, etc. Cheers everyone!



My biggest fear doing my blog every week is letting people down. This year has been crazy for me and everyone, so for the last month, I decided to regroup and plan some new goals/strategy for the new year. I apologize for those who look forward every Wednesday for some content, but I promise, I’ll be back in 2021. For now, I challenge you to take a step back, reflect, and come in with a fresh, new mindset for 2021. So, who’s with me?


“1 Year Ago Today”


One Whole Year