Derek Warner

Adventure Time


“Hey Mates, thanks for stopping by!”

This is Derek - a former colleague I had the pleasure of working with. Derek is an avid adventurer who’s passion is chasing sunrises and sunsets. Waking up at 3am to find the perfect spot to photograph the beginning of a new day, is his purest form of joy.

“Exploring is a way to improve my own life so that I can better understand how to help others. Getting out and exploring the North Shore of Minnesota has brought me more sanity than anything else.”

If you enjoy photography, adventuring, hiking, or want to get into any of these hobbies, Derek shares below some helpful tips on items to bring along and general suggestions/tips on tackling a new adventure!



“Explore more, worry less,” Derek says. In order to have a “worry free” adventure, you must have the proper equipment for it to be a success. “There were weekends where I would drive 400 miles to explore somewhere new and doing so taught me the essentials I need to carry with.” Items to bring along include ↓


Doesn’t your phone always die at the most inconvenient times? It wouldn’t be good if one of those times were when you’re in the middle of the woods hiking. What if you get lost on your way back? Portable chargers are light weight, relatively affordable, and take up little to no room in your bag!


Whether it hangs around your neck or you whip it out of your pocket (on your phone), a camera is used to capture moments from your adventure you’ll want to remember.


If you’re an early riser like Derek, a headlamp or flashlight is something you’ll for sure need to bring! (as seen in photo above) But if you forget, most cellphones have a flashlight. Whether you like to hike before sunrise or after sunset, it’s important to have light when hiking for safety reasons.


Specifically used more for camping, a knife would be beneficial to start a spark, slice and dice food, cut wood for a fire or shelter, protect yourself, and overall is a survival tool.


Weather is incredibly unpredictable. There’s nothing worse than being miles from shelter and having to accept you’ll be driving home in wet clothes. An umbrella, poncho, or raincoat is good to have on you. If you don’t have room, the bare minimum could be a hoodie!


Trail conditions are hard to predict. “I traveled for a photography trip and about 30 minutes into the hike, I slipped and cut open my leg. Without my first-aid kit on me, the risk of infection would have increased without properly cleaning it up.”


Staying hydrated is so important! Some trails take hours to conquer, so keep a refillable water bottle in your bag. In addition, having it vacuum sealed allows for the water to stay colder, longer.

Want to know more about Derek? Follow him on Instagram!

Feel prepared for your next adventure? I would! I can’t wait to hear about it! Comment below your next adventure destination? ↓


15 things About Me


Road Trip to Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Park