15 things About Me

Hello! My name is Jordan and I am the writer, content producer, and spark behind Just Me, Jordan. If you’ve followed my blogging adventure so far, I appreciate the support! If you’re new, thank you for stopping by! I hope you keep sticking around for more content to come.

What's always been important to me when taking suggestions or recommendations from someone, a brand/company, etc. is really understanding WHO it’s coming from. With that, I thought I would give you more of a glimpse into who I am, some of my experiences, what I like to do in my free time, watch on TV, etc. because understanding the WHO behind me often helps YOU understand my content better :)

15 things about me go ↓ 


ONE - I’m a stadium chaser

It’s my goal to hit all 30 MLB stadiums. We’ve been a baseball family all my life - tailgates, the game always on TV, etc. So much so that when I was 12, I threw the first pitch out at a minor league game.


TWO - I studied abroad my junior year in Florence, Italy

It was the best five months of my life! While I was abroad, I was fortunate enough to visit 10 countries.


THREE - Ice cream is my go-to dessert

Ice cream is definitely the solution to every mood. Mint chocolate chip is my favorite flavor!


FOUR - I love country music + seeing musicians perform live

I grew up listening to country! I remember sitting in my carseat jammin’ to the Dixie Chicks + Montgomery Gentry.

FIVE - My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving / Friends-giving

There’s something quite special about gathering with friends, family, + loved ones to share a meal while discussing what you’re thankful for.


SIX - I love traditions - holidays, family, friends, etc.

My favorite tradition is attending a play every year with my Grandma + Mom! It’s typically followed by dinner at Mo’s Steakhouse in downtown Milwaukee.


SEVEN - Flowers are my favorite

Anywhere from visiting sunflower farms in the summer, to receiving flowers every year on my birthday from my dad, flowers just bring me excessive happiness!


EIGHT - My Bachelor obsession is real

Bachelor(ette) Monday’s are the best girl’s nights - hate to say it, but it’s my guilty pleasure every week.


NINE - I love being outside, exploring nature, etc.

I love the outdoors in any season - hiking, camping, kayaking, snowmobiling, ice skating, etc.



Nails need to be done, always

There’s just something about having my nails done that makes me feel completely polished + put together!


ELEVEN - Biggest fear is thunderstorms

Ever since I was little, I’ve hated thunderstorms or when it rains. I believe it’s the noise that just makes me feel unsafe or uncomfortable.


TWELVE - My birthday is my favorite day of the year

Birthday’s have always been something made special as a kid, oftentimes too special because at 23, I should probably care less than I currently do about it!


THIRTEEN - I’m in the Honda gang

I bought my first car a little over a year ago - a Navy Honda Civic Touring.


FOURTEEN - Only injury I’ve ever had is two concussions

Both happened in high school- freshman year in gym class + the other during a softball game. Fun fact: my softball coach witnessed them both!


FIFTEEN - Yoga is my favorite workout

Yoga has this sense of calmness to it that brings me peace. I love being able to focus on breathing while getting my heart-rate up.


Did you learn anything new about me? Do we share any mutual interests or have something in common? Would love to connect! Comment below ↓


All Things Apartment


Derek Warner